Friday, November 22, 2013

August 25 - September 2, 1861

Compiled by Jim Hachtel, President
Gen. William T. Sherman Memorial Civil War Roundtable

August 25, 1861 - The Union issues orders to also provide nurses with one ration per day. Forty cents pay per day started August 17th.

August 25, 1861 - General Henry A. Wise's Confederate forces suffer from an outbreak of measles. They skirmish with Federal troops near Piggot's Mill in western Virginia.

August 25, 1861 - Union troops commanded by Lieutenant John R. Pulliam encounter hostile Indians near Fort Stanton, New Mexico Territory. Confederate troops battle Apaches near Fort Bliss, Texas

August 26, 1861 - Skirmishing breaks out in western Virginia at both Wayne County House and Blue's House.

August 26, 1861 - Union Navy Captain Andrew Foote assumes command of the Western River forces, replacing John Rogers.

August 27, 1861 - The Union lands troops under fire at Cape Hatteras, NC. Confederate forces abandon Fort Clark and fall back to Fort Hatteras. With control of the Hatteras Inlet, blockade runners are effectually crushed in the area.

August 28, 1861 - Union forces take Fort Hatteras, NC. Confederate losses are light.

August 28, 1861 - General Nathaniel Lyon, killed at Wilson Creek, is buried at St. Louis, Missouri.

August 29, 1861 - Washington Navy Yard Commander Dahlgren sends 400 seamen to Fort
Ellsworth in Alexandria, Virginia to increase city defenses.

August 30, 1861 - In Missouri, General Charles Fremont declares martial law allowing confiscation of property belonging to "those who shall take up arms against the United States" and proclaims the emancipation of slaves of pro-Southerners.
President Lincoln terms the action "dictatorial."

August 31, 1861 - The third session of the Provisional Confederate Congress adjourns.

Sept 1, 1861 - News of the successful Cape Hatteras operation reaches Washington, boosting Union morale.

Sept 1, 1861 - Brigadier General Ulysses S. Grant assumes command of forces around
Cape Girardeau, Missouri.

Sept 2, 1861 - President Lincoln instructs General Charles C. Fremont to "modify" his emancipation declaration (see August 30 entry). In effect he countermands the order.