Compiled by Jim Hachtel, President
Gen. William T. Sherman Memorial Civil War Roundtable
March 25, 1862 - General Henry W. Halleck learns the Confederates are building a large ironclad (CSS Arkansas) at Memphis. He informs Commodore Andrew H. Foote.
March 25, 1862 - A Confederate force in La Glorietta Pass near Santa Fe, New Mexico Territory is approached by troops led by Major John Chivington of the 1st Colorado Volunteers.
March 26, 1862 - In an early morning raid, the 1st Colorado Volunteer Infantry attacks Confederate forces commanded by Major Charles L. Pryor, capturing 30 members of the advanced guard. Texas troops suffer 16 dead, 30 wounded, and 79 missing. Federal losses are 19 killed, five wounded, and three missing in an all day battle.
March 26, 1862 - CSA General John H. Winder becomes commander of the Department of Henrico which includes Petersburg, Virginia.
March 27, 1862 - General Joseph E. Johnston is ordered to Yorktown, Virginia to reinforce the Confederate Army of the Peninsula, commanded by Gen. John B. Magruder.
March 27, 1862 - Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton announces plans to build several steam rams at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Cincinnati, Ohio. These new vessels are designed to counter the large ironclad under construction at Memphis.
March 28, 1862 - Union Troops under command of General Oliver O. Howard occupy Shipping Point, Virginia and move to sever the Orange and Alexandria Railroad.
March 28, 1862 - The strategic Cumberland Pass is occupied by Union General Washington Morgan's 7th Division. The pass connects Tennessee, Kentucky and western Virginia.
March 28, 1862 - Near Glorietta Pass, New Mexico Territory, Union reinforcements arrive and attack the Confederate Texans at Apache Pass. Union troops are sent around the pass to close on the rear. The complete Southern baggage train with 90 wagons and 800 draft animals is discovered during this flanking movement and destroyed. General Henry H. Selby is forced back to Texas and this marks the end of Confederate activity in the New Mexico Territory.
March 28, 1862 - On the St. John's River in Florida, the Union locates and raises the racing yacht America that had been scuttled by southern sympathizers. The vessel becomes part of the U.S. Navy.
March 29, 1862 - General John C. Fremont takes command of the Mountain Department, replacing General William S. Rosecrans.
March 29, 1862 - General Albert Sidney Johnston and his Army of the Mississippi joins General Pierre G.T. Beauregard and his Army of Kentucky at Corinth, Mississippi. General Johnston commands with Beauregard as second in command. Division commanders are Generals Leonidas Polk, Braxton Bragg, William Hardee, and George Crittenden.
March 31, 1862 - President Lincoln orders General McClellan to send another Division from the Army of the Potomac to defend Washington, D.C.
March 31, 1862 - Confederate General John P. McCown is relieved for his premature abandonment of New Madrid Bend and Island #10, Missouri on March 13. General William Mackall takes command.